We join Trust in a cross-discord live event. Joanna Pope guides us through a classic text by Vilem Flusser: selections from “Towards a Philosophy of Photography” (1983).

Below is a live transcript from audience participants.


Connections Bot

Super Secret Sleeper Cell's #portal` has joined the connection

Leith#2538 from Trust

<:trust:694655445624684705> <:research:821409369177718834>

Joanna#7459 from Trust

Here are the excerpts we will be reading from today https://trustsupport.notion.site/PORTALREADINGS-Super-Secret-Sleeper-Cell-617381da96814bb395e12310e6fadb10

Graete#4568 from Trust

hey, did I miss the link for the portal vc link or is that still coming? 🙂

arb#6298 from Portal

Join the temporary `PORTAL` server here: https://discord.gg/Ec2K5Yjn

Graete#4568 from Trust

okay lol

arb#6298 from Portal

GE from Berlin

Joanna#7459 from Trust

ge from berlin ❤

Leith#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Hi from NL

calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

good afternoon from preternaturally warm poughkeepsie ny

maksy#0951 from Trust

ge from Kyiv

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Hi from Berlin

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Hi from Tokyo

lukey#0306 from Trust

gm from berkeley

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Hi from New York

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

🅱 ortal

ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

hi from the Metaverse (boston)

ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

cross-discord chat.. they said it couldnt be done...

calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


hop in here to listen to us btw"

arb#6298 from Portal


karaaaaaa#7795 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

hi from Providence!

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

hey everyone, i'm tuning in from the indian ocean, some weird guy named Ahab is chasing me around. Anyone know how i can get this dude off my tail? he keeps yelling in prose....

calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

<:LETSFUCKINGGOOO:757049486429388871> <:LETSGO:886062240208412683>


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

do emotes transcend servers

calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

not reacts

Joanna#7459 from Trust

not as reacts i think

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


agonism#1464 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

its 8 pm

colleen bornt#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

wassup papi

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

All reacts must go in chat �

calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

it's time

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

<:sup:907943290538709024> <:sup:907943290538709024> <:sup:907943290538709024>

<:sup:907943290538709024> <:sup:907943290538709024> <:sup:907943290538709024>

<:sup:907943290538709024> <:sup:907943290538709024> <:sup:907943290538709024>

<:sup:907943290538709024> <:sup:907943290538709024> <:sup:907943290538709024>

ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

its quite difficult to understand what ahab is saying because the whirring of the spears makes it

hard to hear. I'm not interested but he won't stop

Joanna#7459 from Trust

im hyped

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

this is really cool i am glad to have found a community for fans of eric weinstein's podcast "the


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!



cowbrain#4586 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

"""where are we??””

more like *when are we* \:0"

arb#6298 from Trust

@paradox Yes we are all big fans

John Groot#1987 from Trust


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

god I love chatting

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

fingers on keys 🙂

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

lol connection bot kinda weak

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

hows the weather in the boat flip

John Groot#1987 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

hi john

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

what is up `@

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

ready 2 post

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Connections bot ain't ready

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

the water in the indian ocean is cold

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


LUKE#9999 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

slow down

joe#1234 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

⁂ <- i like this unicode character, Asterism

agonism#1464 from Portal


ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

⁂ pixel asterism ⁂

Joanna#7459 from Trust


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

<:wound1:908923854477471755> <:wound2:908923959574134814>

<:wound3:908924028104896563> <:wound4:908924992442495016>


ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

--> n e t w r o r k <-- --> h a c k i n g < --

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

⁂ <- symbolism will be their downfall

bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust

gm Sleeper Cell

joe#1234 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

⁂ <- *clueless*

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

who is the best gamer in Trust

arb#6298 from Trust

I am

colleen bornt#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

everyone drop their agd

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell





arb#6298 from Trust


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

i challenge you

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

bucket yourself?

calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

<:wound1:908923854477471755> <:BigPickleRick_2:885254021277954058>

<:wound3:908924028104896563> <:wound4:908924992442495016>


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

cowbrain#4586 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Connections Bot

Connection has been ratelimited for 10 minutes



calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

<:wojak_flatten:757014617213108325> generative for artists <:wojak_bleed:


abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

1856 I believe

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


lucy#1178 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

gotcha several decades lol

idols.ico#9633 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

it makes me think of those "posting the same photo of X until Y happens" accounts

joe#1234 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell



cowbrain#4586 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

the idea of retroactivity is important like the quilting point in lacan/zizek

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

we're back

arb#6298 from Portal

We are currently capped at 10 messages per six seconds

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

I wanna be famus

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

god I love posting with the porto

arb#6298 from Portal

i am negotiating more with admin

lukey#0306 from Trust

thank u ARB 🙏

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

"Love our port authority ❤

love the slowmode shakes"

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

<:lindy:845109926829359114> skallas drop

lukey#0306 from Trust

I have this old arena channel that may be relevant to some of this https://www.are.na/lukas-w/


arb#6298 from Portal



arb#6298 from Portal

thank you MrTomato 🙏

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

<:lets_goooo:773424878468202506> <:lets_goooo:773424878468202506>

ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

"art and tech ppl<:wojak_soy:729784420558700695>

flusser <:wojak_flatten:757014617213108325>"

gvn � #0581 from Trust

lessgo mr tomato

bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust

thank's Soup CEO

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Mr Tomato > Flusser

daachi#4229 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Graete#4568 from Trust

Q: How do you think relates this to perceived importance vs. actual (depending on ones goals)


Graete#4568 from Trust

you get used to redundant stuff, don't pay attention to it anymore whereas it might contain

imporant opportunities

ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

REAL. some movie posters are still up from before covid..

calsbot#3333 from Trust

This sounds like berlin

fiesta#6830 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

The subway ads stayed up forever as well

Cathal#3163 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

yep, some gig posters for april 2020 still floating around here

Terence#3549 from Trust

totally `@

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

My life a movie, the posters will be hanging forever



Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

* *

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

okay so ahab has speared me any advice?

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

it hurts

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

try just unplugging it

karaaaaaa#7795 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

moby yr literally huge

karaaaaaa#7795 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

just stove boat him

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

you just lost the game

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

my favorite Portal character is GlaDOS

Terence#3549 from Trust

Flusser is talking about how photographers are almost playing with the OS of the camera lol

karaaaaaa#7795 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

my whole life an instagram carousel

Terence#3549 from Trust

You cant work outside it

calsbot#3333 from Trust

Idk I want the photographic reality

ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

hyperreality type beat right now. the data outruns the subject, and produces reality through its

capture. <:xBAUDRILLARD:695250222598586419>

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

the universe isn't a simulation, it is a photograph of a simulation

holyyyycow#3866 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

lmao how di i join this bihh

calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

lmao i was gonna talk about platcap

Terence#3549 from Trust

omg its holly

calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

check announcments holly

Joanna#7459 from Trust

can someone get the date of this book

Terence#3549 from Trust


calsbot#3333 from Trust

Sounds like juviderm

Joanna#7459 from Trust


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell




arb#6298 from Portal


Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


athomitron#9936 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


cowbrain#4586 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust


trees#9046 from Trust

is *actually* Time linear tho?

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

just spitballing here but what about holllllemon

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Replies don't go through btw

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

the tumblrverse>metaverse

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

who is ready for the mishapocalypse in the metaverse

Joanna#7459 from Trust

thinking about getting back on tumblr

Joanna#7459 from Trust

is anyone in here on there

Joanna#7459 from Trust

link ur blogs

karaaaaaa#7795 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

fuckin love tumblr

borthpolymer#5122 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

it's still fun on there yeah

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

I heard tumblr still has NSFW after all, is that true

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

fuck\_yeah\_brazilian\_girls is my acc

calsbot#3333 from Trust

Like getting filler to look like the ig filter version of your self

karaaaaaa#7795 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

hope the new portal is just tumblr tbh

arb#6298 from Trust

tbt when Metahaven informed me that my tumblr name is spelled wrong

orb#8622 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

i want to get back on tumblr

borthpolymer#5122 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

still has NSFW it just gets taken down eventually by bots

arb#6298 from Trust

during an interview

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

damn really feeling like everything that was once lived directly has moved to pure


arb#6298 from Trust

deep cringe still today

Terence#3549 from Trust


holyyyycow#3866 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

i was talking about how i was too online to relate to my siblings w my therapist she said "ok

maybe dont pick the *craziest* thing from tumblr to talk about at the dinner table"

trees#9046 from Trust

tumbrr is firehose of neet hivemind media binge piped straight into my cyber veins

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Do replies across discords show in the bot?

lukey#0306 from Trust

can't believe tumblr is still kicking, seems like its reached a new era

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

brb rebooting my porn tumblr

lukey#0306 from Trust

Replies do not show

ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

**i n f o r m a t i v e - g e s t a l t**

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

desparately trying to recall the name of the leatherdaddy malboro red tumblr acc

lucy#1178 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

this seems very hyperstition-y to me

epistemologicide#2225from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

still on there, still in contact with many tumblr friends about to hit 10 year mark

joe#1234 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

all online culture is downstream of ~~reactionary incels~~ 2010's tumblr

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

the camera is not a producer of images, but a social relation among people mediated by lenses

lukey#0306 from Trust

Is some of the "programming society" just the scaffolding of this "photographic universe" by

filling it in picture-by-picture: what is the potential for photographic exhaustion, esp with




FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

does flusser talk about the event of the photograph?

John Groot#1987 from Trust

Does anyone have insight into what he might be drawing on when he describes this as a


Terence#3549 from Trust

again to me its like hes talkign about it like its and OS constantly running

gvn � #0581 from Trust

portals are post covid tourism

Terence#3549 from Trust

pray for joanna

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

oh no.........

Radicalizing#2699 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


ack#2495 from Trust

photographic mode of production moving to photographic mode of self-destruction `@

lukey#0306 from Trust

sleeper secret super duper sleepy secrets

calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Press J for Joanna

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

arb#6298 from Portal


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Joanna#7459 from Trust

thx guys

lukey#0306 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

cowbrain#4586 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!** You will be given a ratelimit if you keep

that up

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!** You will be given a ratelimit if you keep

that up

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


gvn � #0581 from Trust


arb#6298 from Portal


gvn � #0581 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

joe#1234 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

oh no

John Groot#1987 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Joanna#7459 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

Joanna#7459 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

wait STOP lol

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

lol rip

Radicalizing#2699 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

J also F

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

**Lmao Stop pressing J for Joanna **

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

J for (jesus christ why)

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

everyone post that we need to stop at once

nelya rosa#0757 from Trust

J ❤

Terence#3549 from Trust

we might need a telegram group for the next one

arb#6298 from Trust

No this is working fine terence

arb#6298 from Trust

slaps roof

Terence#3549 from Trust

ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

i got to go, but, just wanted to say, that the combination game makes me think of my work in

photography, where i am trying to distill phenomom of reality in an image. this process has lead

to me making identical work with identical name as another artist, as if we are discovering the

same thing and the same time. but this banality or homogenity proves the fact that this is a

"real" phenom in some way perhaps.

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

why cant we just use the portal discord with a text channel?

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

plagiarism is necessary jak progress implies it

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

yeah I'm not too sure what the purpose of this is, does this chat stay open always?

calsbot#3333 from Trust

There’s this interesting theorist of photography ariella azoulay who argues against common

political understandings of photography as control and domination through the capture of gaze

to argue that photography reorganized what was accessible to the gaze by giving people the

chance to share their visual field with one another, to see more than they could see alone, to be

in otherwise unreachable times and places.

gvn � #0581 from Trust

otherwise messages will be gone when we close portal temp server

gvn � #0581 from Trust


trees#9046 from Trust

wild to think how advanced chat room technology was 30 years ago but when u require emoji

reacts it becomes too complicated

borthpolymer#5122 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

pintie is based now?

Radicalizing#2699 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

pinterest is pretty insane

bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust

<:pin:920716221492645928> <:pin:920716221492645928> <:pin:920716221492645928>

<:pin:920716221492645928> <:pin:920716221492645928> <:pin:920716221492645928>


fiesta#6830 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

in undergrad, we wwere told that we HAVE to be on pinterest as artists.

_will#3934 from Trust

P for <:pin:920716221492645928>

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


daachi#4229 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

P for 🐰

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

I'm still going anti-pinterest. Every image I want is stuck inside a pintrest post that goes to

another post when I click it

lsyl#9444 from Trust


trees#9046 from Trust

pintrest is a psyop

Radicalizing#2699 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

my job relies on using pinterest for reference photog

gvn � #0581 from Trust

p for are.na

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

pinterest gay

arb#6298 from Trust

pinterest under communism is an aesthetic

Graete#4568 from Trust

shoppable images in communism sound dope tho

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

rate limit this bihh rn

lukey#0306 from Trust

definitely that closed ecosystem aspect of pinterest is weird—images there aren't quite free

Graete#4568 from Trust

wihtout p rofit

borthpolymer#5122 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

google image search just collects pinterest images now

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

i'm here to make the chat worse

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

feeling limited

abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

make it faster

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


holyyyycow#3866 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

rip king von

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

king von rip

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

I think we should fuck up the bot and the chat for fun

Le th


gvn � #0581 from Trust

become unratelimitable

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

must be the progesterone holly

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

girls in the chat

lukey#0306 from Trust

R to rate limit

epistemologicide#2225 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Fully Gay Rate Limit Pin/ACC Communism

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

what would flusser say about rate limiting text???

chaka#3830 from Trust

RIP young dolph

gvn � #0581 from Trust


Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

rate. rip king von

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

what would flusser say about rate limiting text???

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

"Connections Bot


— Today at 11:35 AM

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!”

daachi#4229 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

it's part of the "game"

holyyyycow#3866 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

rip dolph 😭

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

rate limit deez

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


warmeyelids#5117 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

hey! finally able to log in

cowbrain#4586 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

nelya rosa#0757 from Trust

J ❤

Terence#3549 from Trust

we might need a telegram group for the next one

arb#6298 from Trust

No this is working fine terence

arb#6298 from Trust

slaps roof

Terence#3549 from Trust

ja_ak_rtgr#8611 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

i got to go, but, just wanted to say, that the combination game makes me think of my work in

photography, where i am trying to distill phenomom of reality in an image. this process has lead

to me making identical work with identical name as another artist, as if we are discovering the

same thing and the same time. but this banality or homogenity proves the fact that this is a

"real" phenom in some way perhaps.

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

why cant we just use the portal discord with a text channel?

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

plagiarism is necessary jak progress implies it

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

yeah I'm not too sure what the purpose of this is, does this chat stay open always?

calsbot#3333 from Trust

There’s this interesting theorist of photography ariella azoulay who argues against common

political understandings of photography as control and domination through the capture of gaze

to argue that photography reorganized what was accessible to the gaze by giving people the

chance to share their visual field with one another, to see more than they could see alone, to be

in otherwise unreachable times and places.

gvn � #0581 from Trust

otherwise messages will be gone when we close portal temp server

gvn � #0581 from Trust


trees#9046 from Trust

wild to think how advanced chat room technology was 30 years ago but when u require emoji

reacts it becomes too complicated

borthpolymer#5122 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

pintie is based now?

Radicalizing#2699 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

pinterest is pretty insane

bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust

<:pin:920716221492645928> <:pin:920716221492645928> <:pin:920716221492645928>

<:pin:920716221492645928> <:pin:920716221492645928> <:pin:920716221492645928>


fiesta#6830 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

in undergrad, we wwere told that we HAVE to be on pinterest as artists.

_will#3934 from Trust

P for <:pin:920716221492645928>

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


daachi#4229 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

P for 🐰

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

I'm still going anti-pinterest. Every image I want is stuck inside a pintrest post that goes to

another post when I click it

lsyl#9444 from Trust


trees#9046 from Trust

pintrest is a psyop

Radicalizing#2699 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

my job relies on using pinterest for reference photog

gvn � #0581 from Trust

p for are.na

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

pinterest gay

arb#6298 from Trust

pinterest under communism is an aesthetic

Graete#4568 from Trust

shoppable images in communism sound dope tho

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

rate limit this bihh rn

definitely that closed ecosystem aspect of pinterest is weird—images there aren't quite free

Graete#4568 from Trust

wihtout p rofit

borthpolymer#5122 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

google image search just collects pinterest images now

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

i'm here to make the chat worse

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

feeling limited

abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

make it faster

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


holyyyycow#3866 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

rip king von

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

king von rip

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

I think we should fuck up the bot and the chat for fun

Le th


gvn � #0581 from Trust

become unratelimitable

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

must be the progesterone holly

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

girls in the chat

lukey#0306 from Trust

R to rate limit

epistemologicide#2225 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Fully Gay Rate Limit Pin/ACC Communism

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

what would flusser say about rate limiting text???

chaka#3830 from Trust

RIP young dolph

gvn � #0581 from Trust


Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

rate. rip king von

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

what would flusser say about rate limiting text???

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

"Connections Bot


— Today at 11:35 AM

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!”

daachi#4229 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

it's part of the "game"

holyyyycow#3866 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

rip dolph 😭

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

rate limit deez

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


warmeyelids#5117 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

hey! finally able to log in

cowbrain#4586 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

welcome to the rate limit game

ack#2495 from Trust

rate limit photographic production

trees#9046 from Trust



FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

everyone wants a rate limit, nobody brave enough to spam 1

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Pixel limit

daachi#4229 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

If JC were here he could talk about mirrors

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

post as fast as u can challenge

warmeyelids#5117 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

this is one of my fav parts of this text

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


calsbot#3333 from Trust

Flusser has always had a fetish for the apparatus

bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust

@FlipKostic#2422 stop hack ing

calsbot#3333 from Trust

Very German

arb#6298 from Trust

black box made up of black boxes

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


arb#6298 from Trust


idols.ico#9633 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

super massive black box

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

would flusser play PoE?

Le th#2538 from Portal


Graete#4568 from Trust


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

flusser would be a Fuse main in apex

gvn � #0581 from Trust


lukey#0306 from Trust

who has a fully automated meme acct

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

oh god no `@

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


warmeyelids#5117 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

flusser stays on pointttttttr

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

no emu flusser would have been a crypto main

arb#6298 from Trust


Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


abbey#5664 from Portal


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

flusser can't stand how weak the drone is and patiently waiting for an update (since season 4, I


abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell I

TF is the best

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

`ROLE MENTION`"telegram imo is actually better than tumblr, mostly for how channels can forward messages to

other channels easily.

and sticker pack maximalism"

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

wait telegram and tumblr are just not the same thing lol

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Le th#2538 from Trust

Hi from the other side !

lucy#1178 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

apparatus / rhizome

Joanna#7459 from Trust

i have never said apparatuses so many times lol

arb#6298 from Trust

Trees speaks thinks and talks network topologies only

trees#9046 from Trust

The entire internet is the same thing brah, just data feeds

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

leith what are you doing why have you turned coat

calsbot#3333 from Trust

You did well `@

arb#6298 from Trust

point proven

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

telegram mogs crypto web 3

abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell lol


Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

I'm back bb

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

the internet is actually a series of tubes we should not forget this

warmeyelids#5117 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

the internet is mad tubed, actually

gvn � #0581 from Trust


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

the internet is actually just me posting, and i post differently on tumblr than i do on telegram

abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

im a girl in a tube

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

the internet is when everybody has a camera

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

but actually though, sure the internet is all the same thing but the phenomenological

experience of telegram and tumblr are not the same thing

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Terence#3549 from Trust

many such cases

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

once cameras went mirrorless we lost ourselves

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

the internet is cameras facing cameras images of images

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

this has certainly been an interesting reading session, I think next time I will need to turn off

chat lol

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

yeah emu all ive been thinking about is ahab chasing me bc of the chat

calsbot#3333 from Trust

What if seeing inside the black box is actually a waste of time and this is just the exercising of a

fundamental Promethean tendency

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

too bad you look so unique, you could probably shake ahab if you were more like the other


fiesta#6830 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

I’ve been mostly thinking about ahab chasing flip too

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

its hard not to think about ahab chasing flip when you think about it

warmeyelids#5117 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

assigned hard at birth

Le th#2538 from Weird Economies


paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


assigned human at birth ✊

arb#6298 from Trust

weird economiess!

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Leith from Weird Economies

fiesta#6830 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Assigned heterodox at birth

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

arb#6298 from Trust

leith flexing his discord memberships

daachi#4229 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

based at birth

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

I'm gonna make a server call The Block and post from there

bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust

Leith switching the tubes

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

**Le th from The Block **

abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Leith from feds chat �

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

he means squid game

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

they were talking about PONG

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


lukey#0306 from Trust

ya i also don't fully understand the "dice game" - "photographic universe" connection

a screen is just an infinite potentiality of photographic screenshots

lukey#0306 from Trust

so the game is as a viewer, not as an image producer ?

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

there are a finite combination of things and each photo captures perfectly a subset of things,

you can take infinite photos to have seen every thing perfectly, where each photo is a gamble

at what things you capture

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

send the pic abbey

daachi#4229 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

this makes me think of how google builds 3D representations out of pictures

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

gonna take a pic of flusser so I can own him

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

flusser playing league

lucy#1178 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Is the potential of the apparatus that you can plug into a bigger system as a discrete or

unaware image/content-maker?

calsbot#3333 from Trust

Omg reset my tumblr password and discovering my questionable photography

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Link Link Link

trees#9046 from Trust



orb#8622 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

im playing sekiro and im bad at it whiole listening to all this

John Groot#1987 from Trust

bro https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/



calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

aw our boys sounding sick

Graete#4568 from Trust

nobody has thoughts anymore

ack#2495 from Trust


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell speaking of photos of the universe, that probe flew

into the sun and got a cool video of what it is like to fly into the sun https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/


paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

we will never know what it is like to fly into the sun

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

if you scroll down to the last two embeds you can watch the video of the milky way from the


ack#2495 from Trust


lucy#1178 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell there is also Roblox

epistemologicide#2225 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

flusser failed to consider chris chan

Joanna#7459 from Trust

this feels like free will debate

Joanna#7459 from Trust


Joanna#7459 from Trust


daachi#4229 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

life w/o curation may not be better

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


aliceyuanzhang#3726 from Trust

everything is glass bead game

calsbot#3333 from Trust

Speak for yourself

Graete#4568 from Trust

artist are the most oppressed minority

Graete#4568 from Trust

we need a slur for u

coincellpro#9431 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Graete#4568 from Trust

if artist isn't enough tbh

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

we have one graete it's *creatives*

fiesta#6830 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


idols.ico#9633 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

mere conduits

ack#2495 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell



calsbot#3333 from Trust


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

yeah who was the urtist

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


calsbot#3333 from Trust


FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Duh Champ

ack#2495 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

slip streams

warmeyelids#5117 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

flussy da champ

bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

rip flusser you would have loved cameras everywhere in everything always on always watching

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

damn thats mad rhizomatic

arb#6298 from Portal

multi track drifting ack

idols.ico#9633 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

accelerate completion of the set of all images by limiting pixels!

aliceyuanzhang#3726 from Trust

mcluhan "sex organs of the machine world"

calsbot#3333 from Trust

Smile you’re on camera

aliceyuanzhang#3726 from Trust

we just crosspollinating

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


trees#9046 from Trust



ack#2495 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell



calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


arb#6298 from Trust

combo breaking

arb#6298 from Trust


idols.ico#9633 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

literally this

ack#2495 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

flusser whisper memes when

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


trees#9046 from Trust



abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


calm-margo-content#1606 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

fuck that
abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

stop that shit

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

do you think flusser liked pornography

paradox#3594 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

we are human beings and the act of creation is fun and self rewarding

Joanna#7459 from Trust

i like this answer too

arb#6298 from Trust

idk why are we chatting in here

joe#1234 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

I sometimes think about like the time someone was frustrated/posting a lot in the discord and

the analogy that came up was to lurk more = sit and watch the river flow by

Joanna#7459 from Trust

wow that is nice

Joanna#7459 from Trust

lurking should be celebrated more in this way imo

Joanna#7459 from Trust

one of the best forms of participation

athomitron#9936 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

theres a reward for being early in the combination game, its attention, its novelty itself

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

posting as mindfulness

nelya rosa#0757 from Trust

lurking and knitting rn

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

"When I was a kid we smashed hammers into a chicken coup with dreams of making a


creation is innate"

athomitron#9936 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

being the bud on the new branch is fun

lucy#1178 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

The idea of the apparatus having inputs and outputs seems optimistic. I like the idea of content

moving upstream from these insular places

warmeyelids#5117 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell



lukey#0306 from Trust

insularity helps build language and influence. i think it can be really nice for the crosspollinating

between the closed groups to be occasional and lively (this is the ideal for like an

academic conference)—then everyone goes back into their little caves

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Graete#4568 from Trust

maybe our humanness is expoitable

FlipKostic#2422 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

im sick and i cannot stop posting

bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust


Graete#4568 from Trust

its our weakness

Graete#4568 from Trust

we can be trapped in it

trees#9046 from Trust rate limit test #5



borthpolymer#5122 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

lurker gaaaang

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

no closing comments.

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

g2g thank you joanna + josh ❤

cowbrain#4586 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

spent a few minutes back on tumblr because of this thread

arb#6298 from Trust


John Groot#1987 from Trust


Terence#3549 from Trust


asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

arb#6298 from Trust


bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Graete#4568 from Trust


_will#3934 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

nelya rosa#0757 from Trust


daachi#4229 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

swag money

warmeyelids#5117 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

trees#9046 from Trust



gvn � #0581 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

and SSSC. Best posters

Graete#4568 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

<:trust:694655445624684705> <:research:821409369177718834>

<:trust:694655445624684705> <:research:821409369177718834>

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<:trust:694655445624684705> <:research:821409369177718834>

<:trust:694655445624684705> <:research:821409369177718834>

ack#2495 from Trust


gvn � #0581 from Trust

can we crash

John Groot#1987 from Trust

Trust <:bogdanoff:884695739844919308> The Cell

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Terence#3549 from Trust

thanks so much to all ❤

abbey#5664 from Portal

thank uou leith ❤

lukey#0306 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

paige emery#3646 from Trust

thank you!

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

bunkerheadz1998#6721 from Trust

ty x

gvn � #0581 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


arb#6298 from Trust

Thanks everyone 🙂

fiesta#6830 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Ty all

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

Graete#4568 from Trust


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

cowbrain#4586 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

Connections Bot Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


trees#9046 from Trust


Connections Bot

Connection has been ratelimited for 20 minutes

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

breaking it at the perfect moment lmao

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

thanks `@

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

asbestos#2155 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


arb#6298 from Trust

for 20 min

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

lukey#0306 from Trust

perfect way to wrap up

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Thanks `@

nelya rosa#0757 from Trust

pinterest research group

Them_Beans#4100 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


arb#6298 from Trust

bot down again

Leith#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

Thanks `@

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages too quickly!

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

thanks `@

Connections Bot

Your connection is sending messages **too quickly!**

You will be given a ratelimit if you keep that up

Connections Bot

Connection has been ratelimited for 10 minutes

Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

yeah I just want to thank myself for attending it was awesome of me to show out

abbey#5664 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

lol who is interim dictator

epistemologicide#2225 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell

yeah i just want to thank emu for attending it was awesome of him to show out

arb#6298 from Portal



arb#6298 from Portal


calsbot#3333 from Trust


Emu#0029 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


arb#6298 from Portal

GN everyone

Le th#2538 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


ryasef#0724 from Super Secret Sleeper Cell


Joanna#7459 from Trust

goodnight �
